spare links
Missy Bimbamboum - Ravelry: NappyknitterB, Instagram: @nappyknitter
Designer, teacher and fantastic knitter. Feature: sock design, sweater knitting and photography.
Denise Twum - Ravelry: Awurama, Instagram: @niceyknits
Knitwear designer. Feature: chunky knits.
Sandhya S - Ravelry & Instagram: @swatchophile
Knitwear designer. Feature: chunky knits.
Emonie - Ravelry: HopkinsStudio Instagram: @hopkinsfiberstudio
Indie yarn dyer, spinner and weaver. Feature: spinning fibre and sustainable yarns.
Steve Malcolm - Ravelry & Instagram: @mrhugzzz
Hand knitwear designer - Feature: sweaters and cables.
Knitwear designer, Jeanette Sloan has written an incredible article about diversity in the crafting community. Check it out here:
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